Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Working on Writing!

We have been working on writing together for about a week. Today, our students worked on their October writing sample for their portfolios... We call Our Smile Binder. 😊 We praise every attempt! They did a great job! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

We had a great summer!!! We enjoyed a 7 day anniversary cruise with our husbands!  We are looking forward to meeting our new students TOMORROW!!! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

We had a blast on our last field trip of the year Tulsa Zoo!! It is really a study trip our students go on a scavenger hunt to find all the things we have learned about!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Prior to our learning adventure, we studied Native Americans of the Plains! We celebrated our study with a study trip and then a Native American Supper. Woolaroc was a FREE field trip provided by OERB so our two classes were the only kindergarten classes that were able to attend. It was amazing and so was the rich learning during our study!  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

100 Days SMARTER!

We celebrated our 100th day of kindergarten on Tuesday. I wasn't sure we would ever get there with so many snow days. 😊 We made books about being 100 and 100 things, we made hats, a 100 item snack, a snack with doughnuts and twinkles, a necklace with 100 front loops and LOTS of fun! Oh and... Our cuties came dressed like they were 100 years old. Cutest thing EVER!